What is a reversed sticker and how do you use it?

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Do you have a special promotion in your store, or do you want to highlight your office building with eye-catching advertising? A reverse sticker might be the perfect solution!

Reversed sticker

With a reverse sticker, the adhesive side of the sticker is printed, allowing it to be applied to the inside of a window. The advantage of this is that the sticker remains in pristine condition, as it is not exposed to various weather conditions, unlike a regular sticker that is applied to the outside of the window. By having the sticker printed with an eye-catching design, you can create a true attention-grabber that is guaranteed to draw attention!

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Also convenient

Reverse stickers are not only used for advertising but are also commonly used to display important information in case of emergencies or to inform visitors about specific guidelines.

Want to learn more about different types of stickers?



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